Solar At Scale - Solar Setter Mastery
Custom Activities & Fields

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Custom Fields


How to Create Custom Fields

Navigate to the Settings.
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Go to the Custom Fields settings page. ​
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 6.21.35 pm.png
Select the relevant custom field you want to create by selection from the options at the top:
Lead Custom Field
Contact Custom Field
Opportunity Custom Field ​
Click the + New Custom Field button. ​
+ New.png
Fill in the details of the custom field you’re creating:
Custom Field details.png
If you wish, you can Share the custom field between the Lead and Contact so they can be used in both instances. ​
If desired, you will have the option to Restrict the Custom field so only certain Roles within your organisation will be able to use them. ​

How to Edit Existing Custom Fields

In the Custom Field settings page, find on the custom field you want to edit & click on it’s name. ​
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 8.48.08 pm.png
Edit the custom field as required. ​
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 8.48.54 pm.png
When done, click Save on the bottom right. ​
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 8.51.08 pm.png
Keep in mind that Shared Custom Fields cannot have the Type edited once it has been created.
Screenshot 2023-09-08 at 8.49.38 pm.png
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